Saturday, November 8, 2008


Intel new processor finally hits the ratail market.
For now, only intel X58 series mobo has supported this processor.

fig.1. Core i7-920 RETAIL BOX

fig.2. Wow, first batch, made in Costa Rica

fig.3. BX8060920 = BOX CODE for i7-920

For initial release, there are three SKU released:
[1] the cheapest one starting at U$350-U$375
CORE i7-920 - 2.66GHz QUAD CORE, 8 thread, 8MB shared L3-cache

[2] the middle one, starting at U$700-U$725
CORE i7-940 - 2.93GHz QUAD CORE, 8 thread, 8MB shared L3-cache

[3] the flagship, starting at U$1200-U$1250
CORE i7 Extreme 965 - 3.20GHz QUAD CORE, 8 thread, 8MB shared L3-cache

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